The Education Strategy is a document that is distinct from the Cover Letter (commonly referred to as the Study Permit SOP). Few people realize it’s key to obtaining a successful study permit.

In this document you should answer questions such as:

  • Why did you choose this degree?
  • How does it relate to your education or career to date?
  • Is it an extension of what you’ve already learnt?
  • What gaps in your knowledge will this address?
  • How does this fit into your wider goals?
  • Why are you abandoning your life to study in Canada?
  • What will you do after you complete your degree?
  • What kinds of jobs will be available to you in your home country?

This shouldn’t be generic. It shouldn’t be something that anybody could write. It should be unique to you.

We go into more detail in video. Our strategists can help you draft it.